Rosemary Price Facebook Page
Accurate Email & Phone Psychic Readings
“Tested and accepted as a psychic expert by The British Astrological and Psychic Society over forty years ago”



    Accurate face to face,  email / phone sittings                highly    praised by  top psychics, lots of                          newspapers and   magazines,  tv/radio and cluster      of celebrities. 


    To read about her CLICK HERE





For a face to face visit email me























So you live in this area, perhaps Frinton on sea, Manningtree, Jaywick, Holland on sea, Elmstead Market, but this area, which is how you found this website!  Now you need to decide if you live near enough and have the time and inclination to make an appointment to consult Rosemary Price face to face at her home or you would rather save yourself two journeys and have more freedom of time by writing to her with an email and having her write back with your consultation by email too. Leaving you to be able to write, send, receive and read them at any time that suits you. There is a lot to be said for having tarot card readings, clairvoyance, crystal ball or clairvoyance done for you this way, 99% of my clients prefer it.

Many of them live in USA, Canada, Australia etc but half of them live in the UK, some of them in Essex, who still prefer to have an email sitting rather than travel to me, despite it not involving much time travelling.

You need to think carefully about this, especially if you are consulting Rosemary Price about something very important, something serious.

Which is best, face to face, email or phone consultations?


It depends very much on you and what you are like.People who live near usually decide they want to come and see her face to face rather than email her their reading or arrange a phone call. Though there are local people who do. IF you are happy to make a set appointment to visit her during her working hours on a week day and will be on time there is no problem.

Face to face is fine if they are nice, quiet, well behaved people who don't have ideas of turning up with a handful of family and friends - they will not be invited in if they do - turning up late or turning up too early.  If the appointment time is for 11 am on Friday that is when it is, not some time that day or phoning a few minutes before to change it. For a face to face booking remember that Rosemary needs proper notice, expecting it the same day will not work, nor will expecting it in the evening or at a weekend.

One of the reasons a lot of psychics now refuse to see clients face to face is because they get sick and tired people wanting to change the time at very short notice - when it is too late for them to put that time to good use or help another client. Another is people assuming that they can turn up at any time sort of before or after, forgetting she might not have started work for that day or she is with another client and it is intrusive and she cannot go to the door to let them in which working and concentrating on that person.

IF you are a good time keeper fine. Otherwise face to face sessions will not work. Please remember that Rosemary has a lot of other clients to think of too, and her own life!

People who live the other side of the World often plump for email readings, of course, they live too far away to travel to see someone but they could go for telephone psychic readings instead. The usual reason they do not is because that means that they have to allow for the enormous time differences and that means arranging to speak to Rosemary Price when they would otherwise be sleeping or at work or whatever, times which are inconvenient to them.  Of course Rosemary is not going to stay up all night to do their reading either, she has already been busy with readings all day and needs a break from work and sleep.  A lot of her clients offer to pay her more to stay up - work on Sunday etc - she is not interested, it is more important to her to have a break from work, see her family and friends, get out etc.  As it is she works very long hours each and every week, where most readers only do one reading here and there or a few a week at most.





So you can see why the email clairvoyant service is very popular.  But there is room for the telephone psychic reading too.  One of the reasons the email is so popular is because it suits those who do not want to change their hours to accommodate the time differences, but there is also this point, many have a poor memory, many remember things differently to how they were told them.  If you speak to a client who sees things through rose coloured glasses or lives in denial they will insist the psychic told them that their lover will return soon even if the reading actually said they will not, or they will only return if they seek them out and make a gigantic apology to them.  Then they will seek out the tarot card reader or clairvoyant and be angry towards them, blaming them when the lover did not return.  Actually the lover did not return because they mistreated them and took them for granted. And things did not turn out as expected because they did not take notice of the warnings facts the reader told them.



   psychic in clacton on sea 

There are often cases of an unrealistic client thinking that because they consulted a reader everything must end the way they want, there is no way it can go wrong, because somehow just speaking to the reader should guarantee it, but if this is not the case it is the reader's fault!

Rosemary Price once had a client who insisted that they wanted their husband to return.  Yet this woman had treated him appallingly, she had lied to him, cheated on him, made it clear she did not love him, most men would have left way before he did.  She now wanted him to return because of money, nothing to do with loving him, caring about him, missing him.  He realised this so would not return.  Most people would have reacted the same way he did.

But the lady consulted various readers and then eventually chanced on Rosemary and consulted her too.  Rosemary made it clear what was happening and that there was no way this could work out to her satisfaction.  The lady refused to accept this and demanded Rosemary somehow change all of this.  When Rosemary explained she could not the lady got bitter and resentful, nasty.  Never once did she accept or even see that if you drive your partner away and make things so bad it is  beyond repair this is her fault, nobody else's.  And her husband would have been a fool if he had returned as she only wanted to use him and continue to lie to him.

This is one reason why Rosemary much prefers to do an email reading, there are no two ways about what was said.  If the client shows their email reading to a friend or family it is there in black and white, if they re read it a year later it is there in black and white word for word. They cannot remember it differently to suit them, or tell their family or friends differently to suit their dreams. Nor can they bad mouth Rosemary or whoever the psychic and clairvoyant is and claim they said something which turned out all different.




psychic cork


What are the disadvantages of coming to visit a reader?  You  have the expense and time of travelling there and back, you have to think about weather, traffic jams etc. You have arranged a time and day that the reader expects you to stick to.  In many cases the reader will not give you another appointment in the future if you let her down, no matter how genuine it was.  Supposing you get held up in a traffic jam and turn up an hour late? She would be too busy with other clients to be able to accommodate you... or if you were the last booking she has finished for the day and moved on to her other plans.  You would need to make sure that you are there on time no matter what, which can be difficult or impossible, depending on how far you are travelling for your psychic and clairvoyant reading.  You could also have a puncture or be ill at the last minute or suddenly need a babysitter, all things that perhaps you had not allowed for but which mean that you end up breaking your appointment.  You would then be charged for that.  

This means you must ask yourself if it is better to have an email or phone sitting instead where such complications and problems are less likely or cannot arise.

If you have arranged a telephone consultation and you have some sort of crisis at home it is far easier to organise it or pass it on to someone else or cope somehow while there.  And email readings do not entail punctures, weather problems etc.

This also means you are more relaxed when you have your consultation. You can write your email to Rosemary at your leisure taking as long as you wish, rather than having to try to remember whatever and fit it all into your half an hour.  You can likewise ponder over her reply to you for as long as you want, you may pick up something one day that you did not the day before. All impossible when you go to someone for a face to face.




















What sort of reader do you prefer?  Experienced means you need someone who is middle aged or older but also someone who does it full time.  Qualified means you check out that they are qualified first, do not take their word for it.The average amateur or wannabee professional will tell you what you want to hear. They have letters after their name if they are qualified, and you can check these out.  If you want experienced and qualified then forget delusions about having it very cheap too. Nobody that good is going to be cheap.  That would not make sense!

You may be wondering how come you need to look through a website to find out information and make a booking. Simple. If Rosemary Price or any busy psychic kept answering the phone to potential clients she would be forever being interrupted when with a client or spending every evening - her spare time for other things -chatting about it on the phone.  She would end up doing about twenty hours a week of giving out information and making appointments unnecessarily. This would prevent her from being able to help so many people, she would have to turn people away, this would mean she would have to charge more per session so she can cover her costs and make a little to live on.  This becomes even more ridiculous and impractical when many ould want to chat to her for ages without making a booking. Likewise if she paid someone to do this for her those wages become an extra burden that has to be covered.  It works out far more efficient, quicker and cheaper if you read a website instead.








psychic barcelona



By having clients visit a website to find out details and make appointments for their clairvoyance, tarot card readings etc this helps the client a lot too.  It means it is quicker and immediate if they want it to be, even at 4 am.  It means there are no misunderstandings between you.  You cannot claim she said 4 pm when she said 2 pm to visit.  It means you can take as long as you want to pour over the information and digest it, without wasting her time.  It means you are under no obligation to make any booking at all. Nobody knows you exist unless you make an actual booking.

The biggest plus to you the client is that by using the website instead of wasting Rosemary's time on the phone asking her questions you know that she has been able to pass on the savings to you, your consultation is cheaper than it would be if she spent  half an hour on the phone with each person on top of the time they are paying for. The price would go up if she had to charge for all of that extra time.





You ought to be very suspicious of any tarot card reader, clairvoyant etc who is eager to chat to you on the phone or email you back and forth about maybe consulting them.  Firstly, if they are any good they are too busy with actual consultations to fit all that in. Secondly, it shows desperation.  No professional busy person would spend a lot of time chasing after one normal length booking and the pay that goes with it. They would end up doing more unpaid work than paid work. It is a sign of being badly organised, not professional, desperate and not that smart if they are happy to do that.  If you phone a really good and busy clairvoyant about seeing them you ought to be getting told over and over that they cannot come to the phone because they are with a client.  You may think fine they can ring me back but if they get twenty people a day wanting a call back that is their evening gone, their precious time for family and friends. So that will not work for them.  This becomes even more ridiculous if they ring back to be told you are busy or out and they are expected to ring and ring until they get hold of you.




psychic camden





If you have had clairvoyant or tarot card readings before you will know that readers come in all shapes and sizes, some are great, some terrible, some desperate, some popular and busy, if you use your common sense you will be able to work out which is which. You will also be able to be sure you do not waste time on the wrong ones.  If you seek someone simply for entertainment value and you want to go for fun only then  forget all about making sure they are qualified, experienced, full time, none of this matters. A friend or neighbour can give you what you want without charging you a penny.

Remember that the really good psychics such as Rosemary Price are busy and have been for a long time,  they are not short of money and needing to con you into going there so they can pay their electricity bill. They have a good lifestyle due to their skills and hard work. They are very happy to see you go elsewhere if they are not for you. It makes their life easier and gives them a chance to have a break from working.  They would much rather see you being happy than that they saw you anyway even though the visit was unsuitable!

Select the best reader for you and your needs and you cannot go wrong.  You may not need an exceptional tarot card reader or clairvoyant.  If you simply want to have some entertainment, such as a hen party, arrange for an amateur to do it and be very wary of anyone who claims to be a real psychic yet who offers to do hen parties. Believe me real serious readers do not do them. They concentrate on those who need serious help and are too busy for them.