Rosemary Price Facebook Page
Accurate Email & Phone Psychic Readings
“Tested and accepted as a psychic expert by The British Astrological and Psychic Society over forty years ago”




A gifted clairvoyant and tarot reader is hard to find. Whether you want a i.e. psychic ealing or anywhere else in the whole wide World. You can consult web psychics by email or phone today.

Rosemary Price is a clairvoyant who is successfully tried, tested and trusted by experts, professionals,  newspapers, magazines and celebrity clients. 45  years of experience and a fifth generation seer. Working by email consultations.

Many so called web psychics are inexperienced and unqualified - that means those people have never been tested and authenticated by recognised experts and proven that they can do good, helpful and truthful sittings. The scary thing is that these examinations and tests are not compulsory and anyone can set up shop as a web psychic or so called gifted clairvoyant or tarot reader despite having no experience, no abilities, no qualifications and no clue whatsoever.



To read about Rosemary and her work CLICK HERE


Click on the words for a PSYCHIC EMAIL READING or 




Whether you want a i.e. web psychic, a psychic clacton on sea, a psychic chelsea a psychic harlow or a psychic braintree.

Most who see these advertisements do not know there are recognised experts out there who can test advertisers.  Nor do they know that the advertisers are either so amateurish that they do not know or so scammy they do not care and would never agree to be tested because they know they would fail.  This is where Rosemary Price is different. Experts tested her and agreed she is excellent, helpful, accurate and truthful she would stand down and never offer her web psychic, tarot, medium, astrology and numerology services.    Whether you want a i.e. psychic southend, a psychic harlow, a psychic braintree, a psychic colchester,  a psychic ealing, a psychic chelmsford, a psychic clacton on sea. Web psychics are all over the World but few of them are authentic.  The best you usually get is someone praising themselves and telling you they are a psychic clairvoyant or tarot reader despite having no proof whatsoever. Telling you does not mean it is true - even if they believe it.  The typical psychics web work is done either by phone or email. Both suit different types of people.

Rosemary Price had seen and heard  too many accounts where web psychic amateurs and fakes upset and hurt people and it was important to her she was not the same.   Another thing - she had a terrific career, was earning very good money.   Unlike amateurs out there who could not get a good job and had to make do with something boring and badly paid. It is hard if not impossible to find a good tarot card reader, spiritualist, psychic clairvoyant and medium that can help and who you can afford. Whether you want a web psychic ealing, a psychic colchester, a psychic chelmsford, a psychic ealing, a psychic clacton on sea, a psychic chelmsford a psychic colchester or a psychic harlow. The typical psychics web work is done by email or phone, both work well, depending on you and how good your memory is.

When she passed all of the experts' tests and was pushed towards becoming a full time professional she had another problem. How would she pay her bills if she gave up her well paid guaranteed and interesting career?  She did not have a husband. She had no savings. She had nothing and no one.  She could give up her career to do tarot, psychic,. palmistry etc instead and end up with nothing at all, but debts.  This is the same or anywhere in the World. Rosemary is a therapist as well as a qualified psychic reader.   Whether you want a i.e. psychic southend, a psychic harlow,   a psychic colchester, a psychic ealing, a psychic clacton on sea, a psychic chelmsford, a psychic ilford  a psychic ealing,  a psychic colchester, a psychic braintree  and a psychic southend. Web psychics are everywhere but few are genuine. Many are fake or deluded.

There is no point to someone who is a good web psychic medium and tarot card reader but terrible at making decisions.  This would lead you to consulting an unsuitable person and regretting it.  There is no point to consulting someone who is a great tarot card reader and psychic medium if they  barely speak or always asking you questions.  Yet many who advertise are like this. Whether you want a i.e. psychic southend,  a psychic canterbury, a psychic hampshire, a psychic norfolk,    a psychic harlow, a psychic braintree, a psychic colchester, a psychic ealing, a psychic chelmsford, and a psychic belgium. The typical psychics web work is done by phone or email, we offer both of those choices.

Some assume that all web psychics, clairvoyants and mediums are equal. That whichever one they consult they will get the same results. Others make the mistake of thinking that anyone who claims to be a web psychic and tells them nice things must be good,  but if they hear something bad they must be liars or bad, because they will not welcome anything negative even it is true. This is the same anywhere in the World.   Whether you want a i.e. psychic southend, a psychic harlow, a psychic braintree, a psychic colchester, a psychic ealing, a psychic chelmsford, a psychic brussels a psychic yorkshire, a psychic devon, a psychic chelsea, a psychic clacton on sea,  a psychic norfolk,  and a psychic belgium. Web psychics are everywhere but few are genuine many are fake or deluded.

Then you get others who seek out people like Rosemary Price for their web psychic reading by email because they have far more experience and are properly qualified. Yet they would nag her for free readings or write to her office giving them a sob story about how they must know about their husband urgently and in great detail free. There are lots who work full time helping others in service industries who charge - there is no reason why others should earn enough to live on but the psychic should starve.  As for the idea that the tarot card reader and psychic does readings free  on top of doing a proper paid job - forget it. Whether you want a i.e. psychic southend, a psychic colchester, a psychic ealing, a psychic chelmsford, a psychic yorkshire, a psychic devon, a psychic  a psychic canterbury, a psychic hampshire, a psychic norfolk,  clacton on sea, a psychic chelsea and a psychic belgium. People advertise themselves as web psychics but you must be sensible enough to realise it does not mean it is true.

If you cannot afford someone who has proved themselves and is properly experienced and tested then you have to choose between saving up, leaving it altogether, making do with an amateur or very iffy one, or learning how to do it yourself.  You could also turn to swapping amateur readings with friends.  But do not try to go to one of the very best if you are unable to or wary of spending.  Just as you would not expect a designer handbag for the same price as a supermarket one.Whether you want a i.e. psychic southend, a psychic braintree, a psychic yorkshire, a psychic devon, a psychic clacton on sea,  a psychic harlow,   a psychic canterbury, a psychic hampshire, a psychic norfolk,   a psychic chelmsford, a psychic brussels. Web psychics are everywhere but few are real, many are deluded or fake.

Now ask yourself why the best cost more. Firstly the best are more popular, they get far more people wanting to book up with them. If they were not cautious they would end up working all day every day with no time off.  Secondly they have poured a lot more effort into it. Many years of study. Thirdly they are full timers. They have their wages and staff to pay for. Every time they do a free psychic reading  it has cost them money to pay for their office and staff etc as well as their time.  Whether you want a i.e. psychic southend, a psychic harlow, a psychic braintree, a psychic colchester, a psychic ealing, a psychic yorkshire, a psychic clacton on sea,    a psychic chelmsford, a psychic brussels,    a psychic canterbury, a psychic hampshire, a psychic norfolk,  and a web psychic ilford. The typical psychics web work will be by skype, email or phone. We offer email and phone as they work the best.