Rosemary Price Facebook Page
Accurate Email & Phone Psychic Readings
“Tested and accepted as a psychic expert by The British Astrological and Psychic Society over forty years ago”



   45 years of experience,  a fifth generation seer. Her     accurate Clairvoyant psychic tarot                                   readings praised by top psychics, lots of                         newspapers and magazines, tv/radio                               and celebrities.


  To read about her CLICK HERE







It might be easy to persuade or con housewives and mothers into believing you are psychic, it is very difficult to convince acknowledged experts of it, but I have. I am  well acknowledged by experts and professionals and invited to join B.A.P.S as a qualified expert 41 years ago.



















You may have seen some websites which advertise tarot card readers, fortune tellers, diviners, prophets, palmists, crystal ball gazers, astrologers, numerologists, mediums etc who talk about belonging to a long line of readers that were their family before them.  Perhaps some of them were telling the truth but I doubt it. And, to be honest it really does not matter how many of these people were in their family before them if they do not have a good pedigree. A UK clairvoyant, a worldwide psychic, an international astrologer might be excellent, special, popular or they may be total rubbish and unable to get clients because the family members who were supposedly doing readings before them were no good at it same as them.  Passing an ability down the line only counts if the ability was there to begin with.  

Rosemary Price the web uk clairvoyant is now a leading and very popular reader in the UK but because she has been working for a very long time, is properly qualified and very experienced she is also known Worldwide.  In the old days people were usually known locally because in those times there were no computers, websites, no facilities to receive phone or clairvoyant email readings.  This would be the same for a uk clairvoyant or one anywhere in the world.

Here we can give you a good idea of Rosemary's lineage. Why does it matter? For a few different reasons. One is that if a supposed psychic tarot or clairvoyant uk is offering to do readings for you but a fake they will lie to you and they may use every trick in the book they can think of to get money from you. Pretending their mother, grandmother and great grandmother were readers could be one of them.  If they lie to you about that they lie to you about other things too.

Another point is this - most tarot card readers, psychics and clairvoyants in the uk are spiritual. They lead a spiritual existence. They live by spiritual laws. They have that attitude. It runs in their blood, bones and spirit. It leads them forwards.  If the person you are thinking of consulting, who calls themselves a clairvoyant uk is pretending they will have nothing spiritual about them.

Another point is that as with many uk clairvoyant professionals it tends to be that if their predecessors took it seriously they do too.  If you find out that the so called uk clairvoyant is a fake you may well find out that their parents and grandparents were not spiritualists or clairvoyants at all. Not even interested in it.



Another thing to look for is whether the supposed tarot card reader, astrologer, numerologist, crystal ball gazer, palmist or psychic has made any compromises or sacrifices to be able to have time to help you and those like you.  It is very easy for an old lady who is very bored, lonely and short of money to suddenly decide they will suddenly become a uk clairvoyant. But it in no way proves they have the gift or have developed it properly or are doing it to help others.  On the other hand if you take someone like Rosemary Price the web clairvoyant in the uk, who has given up a very well paid career - 45 years ago - with all that goes with it, pension, holiday and sick pay, security,  to work as a clairvoyant in the uk for far less - doing much longer hours and with a lot more hassle that is a huge compromise, many would say it is a total sacrifice.  How many people do you know who would give up a very well paid job to work longer hours as a clairvoyant in the uk for a lot less money?  



Unfortunately some people expect far too much from psychics and clairvoyants and think that unless they live an existence where they work morning, noon and night and barely earn enough to heat their tiny home and buy food they must be charlatans. A caring UK clairvoyant still needs to take care of themselves!  They still need to make sure their life is reasonable. They still need to cover bills and keep their head above water. That does not make them greedy, dishonest or charlatans.  And if they did not take care of themselves they would end up having illness, stress and be so unhappy they would be useless to others. It is in your interests the psychic, tarot card reader, fortune teller and uk clairvoyant is responsible towards themselves. The reason that so few men become professional clairvoyants is because they cannot afford to work very cheaply, especially if they want to have a wife and children to take care of. Women are quicker to do it because so many of them would not be able to get a good job or rely on their husbands to pay the bills.





Rosemary Price the web clairvoyant comes from a long line of women who worked as professional psychics before her. Some more serious than others but all truly serious about it.If you go right back her great grandmother, Meme Zoe,  was a popular psychic in Belgium, she worked in a tiny quiet town with many people consulting her for face to face visits.  Meme Zoe had a daughter who learnt how to do tarot card readings and took this up when she moved to England with her second husband Gerald. She worked from her home in Ealing doing face to face readings.  In those days there were no computers or websites, many did not have a phone, it had to be face to face.  Years later the uk clairvoyant Madame Julia, the daughter of Meme Zoe, Rosemary's great grandmother, had a daughter who became another tarot card reader, Madame Paula, first in Barking Essex, then East London. But Rosemary Price the great granddaughter, granddaugher and daughter of these talented family members, was the first one to work as a full time professional when she became a uk clairvoyant in Essex.



A naive person will say what does this matter but it matters a lot. When your great grandmother, grandmother and mother are psychics and tarot card readers they live a certain way, they are less selfish and more spiritual than most and much of this is bound to rub off on you. It would be impossible for this not to happen unless you never spent time with them or spoke to them. Rosemary Price the web clairvoyant in the uk got into doing readings first by studying numerology and eventually moved on to including the tarot cards in her list of abilities. She has always had a soft spot for numerology and wished that more clients saw the value in it. The tarot cards are done by many a uk clairvoyant, many of them doing it badly, it seems to be that many clients need to feel that the reader is using some sort of showy and colourful prop and sitting with a piece of paper and a pencil does not do that for them, even though it is as helpful if not more so than the uk clairvoyant tarot card reading often is.



You may ask why Rosemary Price the web clairvoyant in the uk put more time into doing readings than her family did.  There were various reasons,      her family, all women, were into being married and having children. They thought it was important to spend some time helping people with tarot card readings, palmistry, psychic readings etc but family and being a mother came first. She went into a real true career shortly after leaving school, the law, she took it very seriously, but when you keep speaking to and spending time with people who used to and sometimes still do psychic readings and you are a studious thinking type of person you are bound to think about doing it too, even if only as a hobby. Rosemary Price the uk clairvoyant  started off as a hobbyist with no intention of doing it full time but the bug took hold of her,  it became more important to her, it became essential to her. So what happened next?

Rosemary became concerned that she was gifted and talented enough to help others. She needed to know whether she was or not for sure, whether she was overly concerned, lacking confidence or lacking ability.     Organisations such as the British Astrological and Psychic Society tested her,  after months of being tested she got the thumbs up from every one of the experts who tested her and invited to  join their register and directory as a uk clairvoyant who has been proven to do accurate and helpful readings. Once Rosemary had achieved this she felt it was right and proper to offer her services to others, that she would not be wasting their time or her time and not taking their money under false pretences.

To begin with Rosemary offered her uk clairvoyant services to clients totally free of charge.  In those days she worked full time in her legal career but this could not last.  For one thing, she became so popular as a uk clairvoyant that the phone was ringing non stop,  it did not take long for word to pass around, she found it impossible to work full time - with a lot of travelling to and from work- see family and friends, attend to her chores and relax sometimes as well as being available to everyone asking for her help.  She had to make a big decision. Either become a proper full time professional uk clairvoyant who does readings only workwise - so that she can devote the amount of time needed - or to stick to her original legal career instead, and forget about doing psychic, tarot and clairvoyant readings for others.



She knew that turning her back on her legal career would be easy emotionally and give her the time she needed to help the people contacting her for psychic and tarot readings.  But it would mean having no guaranteed income,  having to pay out for uk clairvoyant advertisements to get busy enough to be able to pay her bills, no holiday or sick pay, so as you can imagine this was a huge risk.  Everyone who knew her told her not to.  They thought it was more important to have a large and guaranteed wage.  But she went ahead and has never regretted it, despite having had some very desperate financial times and problems that only working as a tarot card reader and clairvoyant could cause.




psychic kensington



The fact that Rosemary Price the web clairvoyant is still offering her help on a full time basis to clients proves that she has no regrets and is still popular. As to the idea that she is struggling for money and only offering tarot card and psychic readings to get money, remember that when she was in her 20s or thereabouts she gave up a very well paid career to do this for far less money.  Proving that money is not her main goal.   If she had stuck to her previous career she would have earned a lot more and had a far easier life, working far less hours. 

One of the things about working as a tarot card reader and psychic, a worldwide and uk clairvoyant for decades is that she has seen how things have changed in the business. She has seen that more and more psychics now work purely by email or phone calls and refuse to see clients. She can remember many instances of people trying to demand they can see her very late at night, sometimes drunk, verbally abusive, thinking they can turn up without any money, promise to bring the money next week and all sorts  which people would not expect any other professional to put up with. Compare your uk clairvoyant to a uk accountant, a uk lawyer, a uk private doctor, a uk plumber, maybe a uk car mechanic, can you imagine anyone thinking they can treat them this way?  Rosemary Price the uk clairvoyant can also remember many times when men would phone about coming to see her and start trying to talk about sex on the phone! OR insisting that the tarot card readings and psychic readings are a cover for  a sex worker and they want to come around for sex.  Others would be normal on the telephone yet turn up and get pushy about it when they arrive. It's easy and very naive to say that all she had to do then was ensure she had a husband or boyfriend there for her safety, but what man is going to give up his job and sit around every day all day bored to tears in case someone  turns up?  And how would they have coped without his wage coming in?  More importantly for years Rosemary Price the uk clairvoyant was totally single with no husband or boyfriend and it would be absurd to say she must get one just so that someone is sitting around there all day to protect her.





















Very often, at least to begin with, there was barely enough money coming in to cover basic bills let alone expecting a husband or boyfriend to give up his job too.  But people can be naive and unrealistic. We know that because we read some of the messages  people send to Rosemary Price the web clairvoyant in the uk.  There seems to be a thread that goes through the unrealistic ones, a common denominator where people search and search for her in person, because they have been recommended to her, or they are looking for someone tested by experts, or someone who has a lot of experience, and nothing less will do, but at the same time instead of appreciating that the uk clairvoyant  is rare and very popular they expect her to work for free,  shouldering all of the expense of providing their service herself, or they expect her to do ridiculous things such as taking a whole day off of work and helping her uk clairvoyant clients to go and work at a jumble sale or school fete unpaid, so that they can raise a little money towards their school.  Expecting her to turn away a lot of clients and a day's pay is a big ask.  If she did this just now and then it would mean financial hardship for her.  You do not need a well known uk clairvoyant for something like this, a housewife or mother of one of the children would do.  People who are famous and very busy are over qualified and there time is meant for people with serious problems not fun and entertainment.

We often get mails from people who expect Rosemary to take a week or so off to travel to their home to see if their is an entity,a ghost, an apparition, a polgergeist, causing them problems and get rid of it for them.   Ghosts is something Rosemary Price does not deal with but if a uk clairvoyant client wants a mediumistic reading with her to speak to a departed loved one they have to arrange a telephone call with her where they pay for that time.  They do not expect her to give up a whole day to it or do that for free! People also forget that a woman who meets strangers, especially those she travels to meet, could be dangerous.







psychic chelsea


Again compare this to other professions.  How does it make sense to contact a car mechanic who charges £50 an hour if you come to him and expect him to travel a hundred miles and spend a whole day talking to you about a car at their own expense and not receiving a penny for their time?

A good tarot card reader, palmist, crystal ball gazer or psychic would be popular just as Rosemary Price the uk clairvoyant found when she began getting into all of this at a young age.  When you are that popular you have to start cherry picking which clients really need your help and which ones are living in a fantasy world, unrealistic at best, users at most.  You also need to pick out those who are dodgy and dangerous, and believe us, there are quite a few of those in this field.







How did her family deal with such things in the past?  Her great grandmother, grandmother and mother?  In those days people did not have school fetes.  In those days nobody would travel a long way for no very good reason, most did not have a car.  In those days if someone wanted to consult a fortune teller,  psychic or uk clairvoyant it was face to face.  All of her family were females, every one of them were female tarot card readers or psychics,  they always had the client come to them and they always made sure their husband was there.  They did not work full time, they did not help as many people. Perhaps one of the reasons for this was because some clients could be dodgy and dangerous but when only seeing local people and it is face to face they are going to know those people.  Rosemary Price has been a uk clairvoyant for far more years than any of them did readings before her.  They are all passed over now. She has always worked in a very different way to them. But she has a great deal of respect for them because they were genuine, she has a great deal of respect for all readers who are.




psychic lambeth





But there are two sorts of genuine readers. The truly genuine one is working with clients to help them and makes sure they do it well before they do.  They are not externalising their own innner pain or simply looking for money.  The pretend genuine uk clairvoyant is the one who is looking to externalise their inner pain (not self aware and should consult a qualified therapist instead) or short of money. The pretend genuine psychic and uk clairvoyant will be giving you excuses, some of them scary, if you ask her how come she is not properly qualified and tested by experts...

I did not know such tests existed (a serious reader knows)  and anyway this should be followed by now that I know about it I will get those tests done and make sure.  Not oh that is interesting but it does not have any connection to me.

Or something like I do not need such tests. I am a good uk clairvoyant, I know I am, I do not need the opinion of such people.

Lies or arrogance.