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Accurate Email & Phone Psychic Readings
“Tested and accepted as a psychic expert by The British Astrological and Psychic Society over forty years ago”



Oracle Card Reviews 

Highly recomended by the Press and a lot of spiritual experts.    A good spiritualist reading is hard to find, but here you are a trustworthy place with oracle card reviews. For more than forty years Rosemary she has been helping clients come to terms with tragedy, make decisions, find love or embrace the future. 


  You can check this out here 


You can arrange email reading here







What does your future hold for you?  Is it connected to your past?   Is good news on the way?  How much does your present have to do with your future?   If you have a relationship you are worried about is this a chance to make a better life for yourself, with or without that partner, or is it a time to reflect on how you want your life to be? 












Oracle card reviews

One of the beauties of having the privilege and honour of doing satisfying and helpful spiritual readings for people is this.  Spiritual people always tend to be psychic or mediumistic themselves. Some of them read the tarot cards well, others the oracle cards, others the angel cards, or perhaps they read the crystal ball, palms with hand writings, or work out your future or potential to be compatible with someone you have your eye on through astrology and/or numerology. I've found that doing spiritual readings for spiritualists is amazing because such people are deeper, thinkers, learners, they often have an artistic, creative or musical side to them that is well developed and they often have a thirst for knowledge.  These are the first people to go to google when they want to understand something, whether it is the meaning of a card they have just come across or the side effects of a medication the doctor is asking them to take for an illness.  Their minds are more open to taking things in and understanding, which often means that those who do not take up work as a full time spiritualist reader will be good at any work that involves deep thinking and logic, feeling, and here we are back to the idea of a musician or artist, or perhaps someone who decorates and works wonders with cake decoration or if they are able to take their emotions out of it a private detective who can piece together clues to catch the right villian. 






spiritualist reading




You will also find that many spiritualists are deeply drawn to spiritual people and events and knowing about such things, experiencing them, yet not necessarily taking it up themselves. These may be the ones who become regular clients to the clairvoyants, mediums, tarot card reader and spiritualist readers.  They may not have the confidence or the time to get into it more.  The ones to be wary of are those who are very drawn  to it and believe they are clairvoyants, mediums, tarot card readers and spiritualist readers themselves, when in all honesty they like the subject and get a lot from it but do not have the necessary spark and talent to do it themselves.  Just as you can get someone who loves music try to convince themselves they can sing you can get people who love to get readings or read about these subjects convince themselves they can do it well too, when they are totally unsuitable to and always will be. These people are not a danger to themselves usually but they are often a danger to genuine but unknowledgeable people who are keen on finding out more about their pasts, predictions, answers to questions, contacting a deceased loved on on the other side etc.  people who tend to be too trusting.
















So beware the the well meaning but inaccurate and unhelpful spiritualist who is out of their depth and unsuitable for this work.  It would be better for you to learn to do it yourself, if you yourself have the spark of a good clairvoyant, tarot card reader or psychic.  At least that way you can make sure you go about it the right way, with the right teacher if needed, an expert psychic or spiritualist, perhaps an expert numerologist or astrologer, depending on your particular talents and interests.  And get them to be honest with you, not giving you false confidence and hope that it an lead to more than you are able to.   There are also times when you can get encouraged by people like family and friends who want to cheer you up and give you faith in yourself, but who do it to see a smile on your face or avoid an argument with you rather than because the praise they give you is true.  Get tested by one of the proper expert reviewers if you want an honest and intelligent appraisal of how good you are, like I did.  The amateur reviewer does not know the subject enough to review anyone accurately or honestly. And the amateur often knows the subject so finds it impossible to be objective about it.







spiritualist readings




One of the most popular methods of readings is the oracle cards. Spiritualists sometimes use them, psychics often do. It is the same with tarot cards and angel cards, most spiritualists concentrate on mediumship or clairvoyance without using such things.   But this simply means they use different methods and get different results not that one is right or wrong or better or worse than the other. When you are looking towards listening to a psychic or spiritualist on something which truly matters to you beware of the fact that no matter how keen they are on their subject this does not guarantee you a good sitting. They may be one of the many deluded people who love to believe they are good at it but are not.




spiritual psychic 



When you are looking to become a practicing spiritualist this is very different to a spiritualist who turns up at a spiritualist church hoping to get readings, or one who merely goes there to get out of the col;d or out of asn empty lonely home or to chatter to others or to sing hymns. The practicing spiritualist is supposed to be knowledgeable gifted and trained. There are organisations that can train such a person if they have the right attitude and abilities to begin with.  just as there are for the psychics, astrologers and palmists.  With the right help a budding medium can become an excellent medium.  But if you are that budding medium do remember that many mediums get there totally alone without help or they pay a leading and reputable medium to help them rather than expect  their skills and time free of charge.  You could soon be in a position to charge money for your own mediumistic gifts so you should not expect the more experienced and able person to help you for free.