Rosemary Price Facebook Page
Accurate Email & Phone Psychic Readings
“Tested and accepted as a psychic expert by The British Astrological and Psychic Society over forty years ago”



    The choice of expert psychics, the Press,  tv/radio and has a        cluster of celebrity clients for her accurate consultations. 

    Rosemary Price helps as a psychic Berlin and all over the             World. 

    Helping people Internationally, Worldwide with a helpful and          accurate psychic email reading for more than forty five                  years. 

    Invited to be an expert psychic by The British Astrological and      Psychic Society after passing all of their tests.

   Angel, owner and manager of the excellent, reputable                     tarot service said

  "you deserve recognition for being one of the forerunners of         genuine celebrity psychics....Although  I must emphasize here as a professional, not as a gimmick  like some out there whose only interest in     spirituality is entertainment, limelight and a fast buck....the brightest star"


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Rosemary Price





by Experts










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You can live anywhere in the World and still get the help of spiritualist psychic Rosemary Price. To those who live there she is a psychic berlin, for those who do not live in Germany and are many in China, Australia, Canada, USA, Scotland or elsewhere in Europe they may think they need to go elsewhere but this is not true. Rosemary's excellent email psychic readings cover the whole world and unlike many of the people out there purporting to be readers she has proved herself more than capable of helping anyone, anywhere with clairvoyant, numerology, mediumistic help. She insisted on asking the British Astrological and Psychic Society to test her - this was more than forty years ago -  because she cares enough about you and her other customers and potential customers to believe it is important, no imperative, to prove yourself before you ask anyone to trust you or pay you. Since then she has been a psychic berlin and helped people all over the World either to get over their grief, contact someone on the other side, get more information about someone from the past or present or future, know more about their soul mate and twin flame, know whether or not someone is this special person and muych more. She is not only an excellent psychic berlin but she has the other abilities and gifts needed to help them properly... getting on well with people, good at speaking to people, good at understanding people, subtle and tactful without being dishonest, wise with a high i.q. and intelligence and much more... this has been proven and established too.  As a psychic berlin she is ready to be there for any adult who wants to consult her provided they are serious.

Rosemary Price is caring enough not to encourage people to return to her more and more, because it means more money for her.  She turns away clients who only want a generalised reading, or a fun reading, she turns away those who ask silly questions such as who will I marry and when will I meet him?  Why are these silly questions. Because it ignores the necessity and power of free will.   Just because you are going to meet someone does not mean it would be wise to marry them even if they nag you too.  The whole p0int of a psychic berlin or elsewhere is to tell you about the person and what sort of future you can have with them and warn you against them or advise you to go for it. The decision is still yours and only yours.  If she advises you to marry them and you choose not to you only have yourself to blame.

Rosemary Price has been a psychic berlin and elsewhere for more than forty years.  She is different insomuch as she got the British Astrological and Psychic Society to test her and verify her abilities. But others have done that too. She went further and asked newspapers and magazines to verify her.. also tv and radio. They all tested her and gave her the thumbs up.   She is also different insomuch as she works and always has done full time. Many are only interested in this when short of money or bored or as a hobby.  Very few set up a proper business with an office, staff and website.  But if they do this you still cannot be sure they are worth consulting unless they have proven themselves as Rosemary did before she became a bona fide and sought after psychic berlin.

email psychic reading

WHEN Rosemary was young she travelled a lot. She went all over Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and France. Now she sacrifices the chance to do those things again so that she can help people still.  She gave up the chance to get married and have children and become a protected housewife (i.e. living with a kind husband who would pay all of the bills and give her spending money so she could be a stay at home mother instead of worrying about earning enough to pay her way in life).   She has sacrified a great deal to be a psychic berlin and worldwide.  When she retires from clairvoyant, tarot and psychic berlin work, which will have to happen one day, as she is nearly seventy now, many will miss her and try to convince her to continue.  But she will then finally have the chance to have a normal family life, a normal life all around and relax instead of working all of the time.  She often speaks to women who have never ever worked at all, or those who have only worked a few hours a week.  She works far more than forty hours a week. If she has not been successful and sought after this would be impossible. The average new clairvoyant, tarot reader and psychic that pops up will only last a month or so at most.   And very often that is because they tell people what they want to hear.

Some psychic berlin clients who consult people like Rosemary Price will seek out hearing what they want to hear and get angry if told the opposite.  Rosemary has had clients being extremely argumentative and nasty with her because she was honest. So remember when you consult som,eone who is a clairvoyant, tarot card reader or psychic that if you do not want to hear the truth stay away from them.  If they paint a wonderful picture of how great your life will be ask yourself if this could be true and do not assume it is.




psychic email readings


Here is a good example of what I mean. An old lady consulted Rosemary Price. She was single and hated it. She wanted to be with a man who was working and had a lot of money and paid for everything.  She had never taken work seriously herself and never saved, she spent all of her money on holidays.  She met a married man who was upset because his wife of forty years had left him, he loved his wife very much. He had consulted psychic berlin and  psychics and clairvoyants who had told him they would get back together.  Meanwhile the old lady desperately wanted him for herself and did not care how miserable he was or if he was better suited to his wife. She went to a clairvoyant, tarot card reader and psychic berlin who told her he would end it with his wife, get a divorce and marry her. The so called clairvoyant described how happy they would be and the wonderful house he would buy for her. Ten years later the married man was still hankering after the wife and the old lady was still wanting him to be with her. She had wasted ten years on believing what the fake psychic berlin had told her. She was very aggressive and bossy, very demanding, would shout and make a fuss if not told what she wanted to hear. The so called psychic berlin was cheap and cheerful and seeing her in her home, with no security, she could have been attacked or at the least verbally abused and having trouble getting her to leave, so she told her what she wanted to hear rather than have an argument with her and decided to never see her again.