Rosemary Price Facebook Page
Accurate Email & Phone Psychic Readings
“Tested and accepted as a psychic expert by The British Astrological and Psychic Society over forty years ago”



 A clairvoyant who is gifted and capable is hard to find. Whether you want a clairvoyant and psychic Essex or somewhere else.

Rosemary Price is a clairvoyant who is tried, tested and trusted by experts, professionals,  newspapers, magazines and celebrity clients. 40  years of experience and a fifth generation seer. Working in the UK and Worldwide by email consultations which are discreet, truthful, helpful and quick.

What do most others have in common?  Most are unqualified - that means those people have never been tested ad authenticated by recognised experts and proven that they can do good, helpful and truthful sittings.



To read about Rosemary and her work CLICK HERE


Click on the words for a PSYCHIC EMAIL READING or 






Seeking a good web psychic?  A tarot and psychic  essex who knows her stuff and has already proved herself by helping loads of people Worldwide?  Rosemary is a psychic Essex but because she works by email she helps people who live anywhere and everywhere. Location is not a problem,. So long as you have access to the web and can contact her that way. Seeking a gifted tarot card reader and clairvoyant who is eager to help those with a genuine need, a real problem,  perhaps needing to sort out a sad situation or make an important decision so their future can be better than their present and past?   Fine. Rosemary Price is an excellent clairvoyant and psychic essex reader.  Rosemary works online by email so she can help anyone anywhere.  One of the great things about having an email consultation is that they are available to anyone anywhere. It also means that as you arrange your consultation on the web you can sit at your computer or phone and arrange it at any time on any day without having to worry that the business / office is closed for business at that hour. Rosemary Price is a clairvoyant and psychic Essex and used to get people expecting to phone her and speak to her about a sitting - all hours all days - with no thought that most people are sleeping then, or it is their day off, or she needs to relax for a while after working all day. This is why the website is so important. It saves you disturbing Rosemary. It also means that Rosemary does not have to pay lots of staff to answer the phone or emails with answers to questions -  and does not need to pass on all of that extra cost to you by charging you more for her help.


Let's look at a few myths about a web psychic or clairvoyant.  One is that all of them are equal. That they are all gifted and able to help others. Nah. If you test 500 so called psychics you will find that many of them are not ab le to do readings at all. They are either lying about being a reader or they are deluded. There are people out there who claim they hear voices, some of those do but many of them should be consulting a psychiatrist and taking medicine. Unless they have been tested and proven you can only guess. A real expert clairvoyant and  psychic Essex can work out if they are the real deal, a housewife is not knowledgeable enough about all oif this and can be fooled or biased.

Rosemary Price has proved she is a genuine web psychic clairvoyant who is gifted and capable is hard to find. What do they all have in common?  There are lots of people in those areas advertising their "services" through magazines, newspapers, window ads in sweet shops and most of all online.  They are also mostly if not all people who are unqualified - that means those people have never been tested ad authenticated by recognised experts and proven that they can do good, helpful and truthful sittings. Wherever you live you need someone who is reliable, caring, understanding, smpathetic, non judgmental, supportive, safe, discreet, non demanding, a genuine web psychic -  all of those characteristics that give you a good person.  But you also need them to have skills such as being good at psychic and tarot work.  Being a good listener. Being good with words and when talking, being able to explain properly quickly and patiently. Understanding people and how the World works.

Nowadays you can consult someone who is a clairvoyant and psychic Essex even if y9u are in another country.   Rosemary even has clients who live on the other side of the World as well as within walking distance, all consulting her by email. One of the things that has changed about consulting a clairvoyant or tarot card reader is that all of the good busy psychics do not allow clients to visit them personally face to face. It is too much hassle, invading their privacy, can be dangerous and they get fed up with people turning up late or not turning up at all etc. A good clairvoyant and psychic Essex is popular and can be fully booked without all of that hassle and wasted time. Some of the top psychics work by zoom, others by phone, Rosemary by email, rather than put up with all of that when it is not necessary. So beware of anyone who allows you to go to them and is willing to put up with it. It shows desperation. A good clairvoyant psychic and tarot card reader can be picky about how they work and need to watch how much time they give each person so they can fit them all in.  Because as with every job or profession and life time is money if you are turning people away, and there are a lot of people who would be upset too. 

clairvoyant and PSYCHIC ESSEX

Another myth is this. The clairvoyant psychic Essex is short of money and needs you!  This is especially ridiculous when they are well known, work full time and are mature. The very young one has yet to prove themselves and get somewhere. The one who is past fifty has been there and done that and could retire if they wanted to - financially. But they continue because they really care. The young one may be only offering readings because they are short of money.  They have not had years to work and save. So watch out for those who live in the ramshackle small place in the worst part of town.  Or the one who is eager for you to go today, even if late, at any time that suits you rather than lose you, because they cannot usually get clients.  The good clairvoyant and psychic Essex can easily afford to turn you away and still be fully booked.

Another myth is that a psychic essex works doing readings as a sort of hobby. That a housewife can buy a pack of tarot cards and do sittings.  For this reason and to show off they do it as a paid hobby.  That is true of most of them but with Rosemary you get a properly qualified person who works full time and always has done.  She has writtgen for newspapers and magazines, appeared on television and radio, and given up a well paid full time career to be available to all of the people she helped.  When you become as popular as she did you have to choose whether to do it properly or not at all, otherwise you would end up totally worn out with no spare time and maybe not enough money coming in to pay your bills.  Some people think that a web psychic Essex should be so caring and unselfish she works morning, noon and night for free.  But they forget that a  psychic has the same needs and bills as them.