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Accurate Email & Phone Psychic Readings
“Tested and accepted as a psychic expert by The British Astrological and Psychic Society over forty years ago”



 Web Psychics and clairvoyants



Email / phone sittings recommended by  psychics, experts,  newspapers and magazines, tv/radio and celebrities. More than forty years of experience, a fifth generation seer.


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Rosemary Price






    Web Psychics and clairvoyants

Where can I get a reliable and informative sitting from one of the better of the people who are currently advertising online as web clairvoyants and psychics?  One of the things you must think about when you are searching for this service is that there are all different types of psychics and clairvoyants and they either can help or cannot help. This is a very different thing to searching for a therapist or counsellor because there are rules and regulations associated with advertising therapy and counselling services and people who offer them must be properly accredited. This means that they have trained and have passed tests and are listed.. not just any bored or lonely housewife,  nor a widowed woman who gets it into her head that she can help others for all sorts of bizarre and fantastic reasons that suit her more than them,  not divorced or elderly women who do the same thing.  

You should be able to be sure that your therapist or counsellor are accredited and registered but there is no way you can assume that psychics and clairvoyants are because there are no laws that regulate such things - not in any country!  Each person, usually a female, who claims she is one of the many clairvoyants and psychics out there is obliged to be honest and moral in those claims but there is no way of being sure they are.

Because there are a lot of people who love to believe they are one of the people who claim to be clairvoyants and psychics - self importance perhaps - money maybe - it is far easier to suddenly decide you are a tarot reader, fortune teller, palmist, rune reader, i ching reader, medium or astrologer than it is to be a therapist who must walk the walk before they can talk the talk. They must prove themselves. We are not expected to simply trust someone who claims they can help you with therapy yet many of the people out there who say they offer fortune teller and similar services expect just that -  that you take their word for it. That you believe they can help, you trust them, listen to them, pay them, because it suits them.



Psychics and clairvoyants

Can you imagine this being the case with any other professional person who claims they can help you? You do not see self appointed ministers, therapists, doctors, nurses, financial advisers etc.  None of these people ask you to trust them simply because it suits them. Whether they ask you to trust them with their spiritual well being,  their mental health, their physical health or their money they prove to you first that you can.

Yet after all these years we are still expected to believe that a bored housewife, widow or divorced woman or some female who is desperate for attention and to feel powerful and needed really does know her stuff and can help because she says so!

This might sound harsh but I have seen it all from the inside out. I've met or spoken to or heard of many who make false claims - either because they were deluded souls who loved to believe their own self praise or they were mentally ill and did not realise it or ignored it.

Web psychics and clairvoyants are therefore not people you can simply trust at face value or because they set up a website.  Even if they come up to you in the street or at a party or when you are at a social gathering and offering you free comfort you cannot trust them because you have no idea of their real motivation or abilities - if they exist.




psychics and clairvoyants

   Web psychics and clairvoyants

This brings me to something important which most people who purport to be tarot card readers, i ching readers, rune stone readers, fortune tellers, palmists, mediums etc will either try to hide from you or do not know.  There are proper examinations and tests which anyone claiming to be able to divine or make predictions or know about in spiritual ways can take to prove it. There is, for example, The British Astrological and Psychic Society, set up by Russell Grant, the astrologer, who takes these things very seriously indeed, where if you ask if you can be listed on their register they will offer to test you.  Taking these tests is very serious and takes months to organise and complete. The reason that people do not know about such tests is simple. They are not serious about this subject. They bought a pack of tarot cards and that was it.  Not real web psychics and clairvoyants. They only thought about advertising their so called services or the money side, not the spiritual side, not the side that says that if you care for the client you are working for you owe it to them to be genuine. Genuine people would be concerned that their readings are not accurate and full of knowledge, they would be concerned that they do not listen well enough or are not skilled enough to really help, and they would ask some place like B.A.P.S. to test them so that they can be sure for themselves that they are not con artists or deluded.  Ask any of the people you are considering going to if they are registered and tested by such an organisation and if they say they have never heard of them or shrug their shoulders as if it does not matter you know they do not take any of this seriously enough to be any good at it.






Rosemary Price









   Web psychics and clairvoyants


Compare the people who claim to be able to read the tarot cards well, do good i ching or rune stone readings, do palmistry well, astrology, mediumship and you will understand.  If you meet someone who claims to be an accountant and he is authentic he has studied and learned and been doing it full time for years - he also has happy clients who are regular.  It is the same with the clairvoyants and psychics.  The good ones are properly trained and practiced, they are serious about the subject, they do it full time, they care enough to go to a reputable organisation like B.A.P.S. and ask them to test them because their main concern is you and people like you. They do not do it just as a hobby!  They do not do it just because they are short of money.  And bear in mind too that if someone is so short of money they think the only way they can make more is to pretend to be able to do good tarot card readings,  that makes them a fraud. Good clairvoyants and psychics are able to give good advice. People who can give good advice will be able to advise themselves and would not end up in such a situation in the first place.

Asking a person who is rubbish at sorting out their life and finances for psychic life coaching is as ridiculous as asking a very poor man for advice on which stocks and shares to buy.





   Web psychics and clairvoyants


It is a known fact that has been proven by psychologists and psychiatrists - a lot of people feel good when they are giving advice or listening to someone with a problem.  The motivation is to get a buzz from it, that buzz from feeling essential and important - not to actually help. There are a lot of people out there who claim they can do palmistry, tarot, mediumship, i ching, rune stones who are like this.  Just seeking this buzz. Using people as fodder to help them get the buzz. Good web psychics and clairvoyants put themselves first, they would not dream of using others like this, and they would not dream of doing so called helpful readings for anyone unless they were sure they were helpful.

Remember too that if they are wise and skilled enough to be able to advise you they are also wise and skilled enough to give themselves good advice and would not end up in some silly situation where they cannot get a proper job and have to pretend to do readings to earn some money.  The really good clairvoyants and psychics are going to be the ones who studied well at school if they could, got a proper career when young, put themselves out,  invested time in these things, they are the ones who may have trained to be a therapist and could easily earn enough to live on doing that.  They are too wise to allow themselves to end up skint or in debt.

If you go to visit one ofthe so called web psychics and clairvoyants and they live in the worst part of town, a tatty small home, run down, needing decoration and more work done to it, then you know that these people are not wise - they have not lived the life of a wise person - you also know they are wanting you to go there because they are short of money rather than because they are able to help you.  Their so called advice and help would be the blind leading the blind.

I often read posts online where people state they spoke to a psychic!  They make this dumb and naive mistake of believing that anyone who claims to be a psychic is a psychic!  How ridiculous. Remember there are three types of clairvoyants and psychics. There is the one who truly is and has proved it.  There are very few of these.  There are the deluded ones who believe it  but where it is  untrue. And there are the ones who know full well it is untrue and are just after your money or the feel good buzz of that glow of knowing better than you.




psychic barking

   Psychics and clairvoyants

There are also the ones who want to bask in a glow of feeling important and wise, they get a kick from having people hang on their every word and need to speak to them and these are dangerous people because they often offer their so called sessions free or charge - it is the only way they can get the attention they crave and live for. People who are mean and penny pinching rush to them because it is free but regret it later. The snag is that much harm could be done along the way!  Image if you consult such a person and they tell you that you will meet a wonderful man who will fall in love with you and you believe them yet it turns out that you meet a man who is a liar and con man but you trust him anyway because of what you were promised by the woman who seeks a buzz.  You see she does not care about your future or whether you are happy or get given good information she only cares about feeling the centre of attention while you speak to her.







   Psychics and clairvoyants

I know of several women who are like this. One of them is local to me, she goes to the place where people swap their skills with each other for so many hours at a time. Someone will go to hers and paint her lounge for her and in return she helps people for so many hours - supposedly with tarot card readings!  The thing is she has not developed it or practiced it or learned it properly,  she gets an enormous kick from that buzz she seeks when someone listens, it is so strong with her that she would move heaven and earth to be able to do freebies.  She got into trouble when she turned up at various restaurants unannounced and uninvited and went in, pulled up a chair to tables of people sitting eating their meals, getting out her tarot cards and supposedly doing unwanted intrusive readings for them while they were out for a pleasant evening with their beloveds.  She is so addicted to getting this buzz that she does this, with no care for the people in the restaurant. Proper psychics and clairvoyants would now be fully booked with people who are happy to travel to them and pay them, but she is not good enough for that, so she goes there and forces her unwanted readings on people, just proving it is all for her own benefit not theirs.I've seen the same sort of thing in forums online. I once had a group on face book where a woman used to keep messaging me nagging me to make sure more people joined the group so that she could offer them free readings. It never occurred to this selfish and irresponsible woman that if her readings were any good she would already have her own real clients,  people who are happy to make appointments and pay.  She was desperate for that buzz and that is all she cared about.




psychic east london




Psychics and clairvoyants

As with all professions and skills if the person is truly good at them they already have a lot of attention from people who recognise their abilities and want them. They do not need to turn up at a restaurant and push themselves on people who are busy.  I remember that this woman was so obsessed with wanting to be a tarot card reader that she once turned up at my office expecting to just walk in with her tarot cards, sit down, talk about the tarot cards for hours and then leave!!!  This just shows you how clueless she is.  When I pointed out to her that people cannot just turn up - they make an appointment - she could not understand that at all and mumbled something about how she hates to make appointments and arrangements and it suits her far better to just turn up!

I have clients who would love to be able to just turn up for their tarot card, mediumistic, psychic, astrology, palmistry, clairvoyance, i ching and rune stone readings.  But they are sensible enough to realise that when you go to see a professional you need an appointment because the professional has to know what is what re who they see and when they see them.  It is for the professional's benefit not necessarily theirs. Common sense tells them it is rude and pointless to turn up when I am busy with someone else.  This woman who thought of herself as a terrific tarot card reader could not grasp that.

Anyone with a little bit of common sense would not want to be talking about that one thing non stop 24 7 either.  Nor would they expect a professional to want to.  A true professional wants to get away from work when not working - they need to for their sanity.



   Web psychics and clairvoyants

I found it quite incredible that a supposedly intelligent and sensible person, someone who claims to be able to give life coaching to all and sundry to better their lives,  would believe that they can turn up at a professional medium, palmist, astrologer and rune reader's office at any time and just be able to walk in and sit down and be listened to for hours without an appointment or a payment.  Can you imagine how awful her advice would be then? 

Something else you should watch out for with the fake clairvoyants and psychics is those who have matured,  they were married to a guy who had a good job,  he died, and now they have a nice home to live in thanks to him and his hard work, none of it down to themselves, yet they talk as if they are wise and knowledgeable simply because they are older than you.  They have achieved nothing at all in their lives other than maybe getting pregnant and having a baby or two, but they will say they can advise you on setting up a business and all the rest, things they are clueless at.  Please remember that if you want advice about such things you need to stick to the psychics and clairvoyants who are good at those things themselves, buying a pack of tarot cards, reading an astrology chart, studying your palm for palm reading are not enough. They need a solid background where they have proved themselves in it.

Take time to study the calibre of the person you are considering consulting for as long as you want but run a mile from those who are so unbusy and so desperate for clients that they will email you back and forth (or telephone you back and forth) to try to convince you to consult them.  Good tarot card and clairvoyant readers are too busy with consultations to be able to do this.  This is one reason why the good readers have a website. It allows you to read it at any time day or not at your convenience - go over it with a loved one of you wish - it also rules out you not listening properly on the phone and remembering things she never said in the first place.   It also means that the professional psychics and clairvoyants can help you quicker because they are not wasting precious time on giving you information through emails and/or phone calls that you can read on their site. Most of all it means that they can give you cheaper consultations because they do not waste hours each day on going over these details with people who may or may not consult them.  Time is money. If a professional sticks to doing actual consultations with their time rather than adding on unnecessary bits and bobs that are time consuming they can pass on that to you. 

I used to get maybe fifty people a day phoning me for information about my readings! Fifty!  They all expected me to  be there instantly to go over stuff with them - which is ignoring that I work with clients most of the time.  It would be very rude to drop the client for ten minutes or so to speak to them. It would break the flow of the tarot card reading and astrology session.  This is especially difficult and nasty if the person is very upset or worried.  It is all very well saying the person should be able to leave a message and I should phone them back but when?  During working hours I am working with consultations.  I finish at  five. Am I supposed to forget about finishing at five and be phoning fifty people back then?  How do I get a break from work for the evening then? I don't.  I would end up working every waking hour but much of it unpaid unless I increased the price of the tarot card readings, astrology sittings etc.

If I pay someone to take those calls and give out the information obviously that means increasing the price of the readings to cover their wages.  But the same applies to my own time, if I spend evenings phoning them.   It would make more sense for me to do more readings in the evenings so that I can help people quicker.   So please remember that good and busy web psychics and clairvoyants have a website which gives you all of the information you need because they are too busy to keep emailing and phoning people with that information. That is a sign of a good and busy, very popular reader, the sort of person you want.