Rosemary Price Facebook Page
Accurate Email & Phone Psychic Readings
“Tested and accepted as a psychic expert by The British Astrological and Psychic Society over forty years ago”




Tried, tested and trusted by tv, radio, magazines, newspapers, experts, professionals, celebrity clients.  45 years of experience. 


   To read about her CLICK HERE







See her testimonials here.

Click here for accurate psychic EMAIL reading  or

if you prefer to speak to her Click here for an affordable accurate telephone reading.





















Rosemary Price is the best clairvoyant  to enlighten you and solve your problems with predictions, insight, answers, solutions, solving relationships problems and helping you make the best decision for you is what she specialises in. Want an ex to return? Want to me sure you are with the right person? Want to know if you will meet your soul mate soon? . A fifth generation seer offering forty years of experience,  the clairvoyant who is here to help everyone whether they want to know about past, present, future or a person, anything that will improve their emotional well being and happiness, how their life turns out.  One of the leading and most caring of the agony aunts online you can find.

For those who want general advice and guidance regarding a specific subject, turn to the article section of the website and sift through the totally free help from Rosemary.

Rosemary Price has been helping clients for over forty years, both in the UK where she lives and Worldwide throughout every other continent, country and city in the World. Some consult her by telephone, many prefer to write to her online for the best advice and guidance .  She has been tried, tested and is now respected and trusted by a lot of experts, professionals, television and radio and many newspapers and magazines. She is often offered such work which she turns down, as it would mean not being available to help YOU when you need her.


Many of her  clients consult her about relationships, love etc. This better consultant who  specialises in emotional matters and giving accurate and helpful guidance when needed.  Some need closure over a relationship which has ended, others are starting a new one or hope to be. Rosemary Price the best of the agony aunts is probably not also a cheap clairvoyant online, is an expert on relationships, a well respected relationship expert and therapist as well as a therapist.  Each of the sittings she does are individual, no two are the same. Private and confidential.


Why choose Rosemary Price for your  agony aunts consultation?

Please feel free to check out all of the information about Rosemary, it is on this website, this means that you can read it whenever it suits you, no having to try to get hold of someone on the phone and arrange an appointment, pay for a professional's time, send emails and hope you get a reply and hope it does not take too long.  The joy of being able to read it here is that you have all of the information, you can read it at your leisure, not a few words and then wondering about another query.  Many of her agony aunts clients have one to start with and then return when feeling more concident in her, maybe and then return for healing. 


Yes you can find other  websites that claim to offer this service, but none of them are offered by a reputable, international, famous, tried, tested and trusted clairvoyant with a lot of experience, and considering all that at a very affordable price.  Whether you prefer a telephone or written consultation from one of the leading agony aunts available  - if you want someone who is proven in this field, someone who is sought after, someone who is tested and proven beyond a doubt, there is no other.  Many of the  websites offer vague and unhelpful replies.

If you are uncertain as to whether to consult Rosemary Price acknowledged by many as the best of the agony aunts, please take advantage of the fact that she has such a large website with an enormous amount of information you can check out before spending, with no obligation. We do not ask you for your name, email address and pester you.  She is so popular and busy she does not need to pester people to get appointments. One is to find a person who is unknown with very little if any experience. 


If someone is good at doing psychic email readings uk  they will be able to charge a fair fee and they will still be busy. Those who offer free or very low cost consultations are unable to charge more for Rosemary Price people go to them on price rather than ability.  But the snag with that is that they get a mass or very vague or dishonest reply which is worth nothing at all when it is low cost or a free and which it would be dangerous to trust.  There are a lot of deluded people out there liking to believe that they are able to give helpful free agony aunt advice  when they cannot, some of them are so obsessed with the idea that when nobody will pay them to do it they run around offering  the best of the accurate seers rather than not do it at all. With no thought to how unfair this is on others.  

Many wonder if Rosemary is the best advisor. We believe it is a far bigger choice than you will get anywhere else. This is because most who offer sittings cannot be bothered to knuckle down and sacrifice the time it takes to learn and develop more than one or two methods.  There are a lot of average agony aunts who will offer and nothing else. If you want to know about a relationship or person it is often best to include numerology iin your Rosemary Price too, most do not know how to do that. With a serious sitting   that concentrates on a problem, relationship, decision, giving answers etc. it is often best to use a whole host of things mixed together.  You see the average reader will pick up a pack of cards and say to themselves "I can earn money from this. 


They are often unemployed or housewives who are short of money and bored instead of the best. They see that pack of cards as the road to improving their finances and having people hang on their every word and offer a so called sitting  as quickly as possible. But one of the reputable, caring and responsible agony aunts would say to themselves that this is not enough, they need to be able to offer more and cover questions and situations far better and spend that time on that.  Just as responsible,   reputable Rosemary Price person who puts others first will volunteer to have their  sitting thoroughly  tested by experts, professionals, newspapers and magazines to prove they are good at this before asking people to spend money on them.

Email or Phone Consultation? 

Many of her agony aunts clients much prefer to speak to her on the telephone. To do this simply go to the telephone consultation page, choose which you prefer and give an idea of when you would like to phone her. You can contact us through the contact form to check her availability first. There is a lot of information about this on that page, plus extra pages in the article section.  More of her agony aunts  clients prefer to write to her and have her write back. To do this simply go to the email sitting page and choose which you prefer, decide if you would like to pay a bit extra to have quicker written consultations before paying.  Phone consultations with one of the Rosemary Price  are for those wanting the best agony aunt guidance and advice and  who like to interact and think as things go along. Some of Rosemary's agony aunts clients have consulted her for decades. Some are suited to one more than the other. It also depends on your availablility to speak to Rosemary Price psychic, which may depend on the country you live in and time differences.  IF you find it hard to be able to phone her during her working hours go for the written psychic email reading uk consultation.


There are a lot of advantages to choosing who is proven to be accurate, tried tested and trusted by experts and professionals, and properly experienced. After all, you could be worried already, the last thing you need it to worry about if you can trust what your free clairvoyant reader tells you !  One of the wonderful things about having a written consultation by the best offering worthwhile and helpful consultations with proven ability is that if you choose someone like Rosemary Price the experienced agony aunt you should not have to follow it up with another one.  This can mean that not only can you rely on what the person told you but you can save money.  It works out cheaper to have one really trustworthy and helpful, accurate with the best rather than go here there and everywhere to all different people and still be unsure of which one to trust.  It also saves a lot of time.  If you want to hear from someone who is not very reliable, and not trustworthy why spend money on it? You can go to family and friends for that, and they will not charge you.  They will probably be just as good as the amateurs who try to hook you that you do not know.  A trustworthy  an only come from a trusted and proven reader.  Some of the must gifted readers are sought after simply because everyone who consults them knows they will never have to go elsewhere, which saves them time and money.  One of the genuine agony aunts should be your main goal when going ought to be your goal first,  price ought to be secondary because a cheap or free consultation which is not accurate is useless to you.   


Did you know that most days we receive contact through our contact form that says the person needs a written consultation   - it then goes on to list about a hundred complicated questions, questions that would take a reader a lot of time to work out and respond to, and then it says that they know that Rosemary Price is the best of the agony aunts and a caring person and therefore she should do and consultations  for free. They often make a point of asking so much and expecting it so quick they are asking far more than the paying  clients ask for.   It often adds bits about how they have just returned from their wonderful luxury holiday and are about to go off on another expensive holiday soon. This is not a wind up. They genuinely have this idea that the best clairvoyant would be so bowled over by the opportunity of helping them with they will do it all for free.  Though this is unfair on the reader and clients, many of whom have less spending money than them!  Genuine agony aunts clients can sometimes be as difficult to find as genuine for their Rosemary Price psychic.  But for those who cannot work out for themselves why this is think on this.   When you choose someone who  is famous, international, experienced, proven such as Rosemary Price has paid out of a lot of money for a website. Someone has to pay for that,  as with any business it comes out of the profits. Those staff expect to get paid, and the landlord expects rent for the office. Need I say more?




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There is also the fact that people never appreciate what they can get easily and quickly. Rosemary Price used to do a session for everyone, way back many years ago. And the result was that her phone rang non stop,  people turned up on her doorstep all hours without checking it was convenient,  and often expecting to be able to stay for hours and hours, and then they would expect to be able phone or turn up again the day after to go through it again. Because so many people get impatient for  Rosemary Price charges extra for  , othewise everyone would ask for them.  Likewise, because time is valuable and readers get tired and worn out when they work long and hard, cost more than short ones, it is the only fair way.  Have you any idea of how exhausting it is for the agony aunts to work with clients all day and then be expected to work in the evening too?  Someone who works in any other job would say no but they would not be as mentally and emotionally drained as the reader.  Same day Rosemary Price , if given freely to everyone,   would mean that we are forever cancelling people who have made bookings so that others can take their place.  It is hardly fair if someone is making a proper agony aunts appointment and waiting four days and then someone else pops up at the last minute and pinches their slot. 


One of the things you must bear i mind is that you also control your future to a certain extent. It no good asking a bad advisor if your ex will come back and just wait for it to happen, you should also ask yourself why the relationshp went wrong in the first place, and if it would happen again. Some of the clients who come to Rosemary Price want to get married or have a baby and nag their boyfriends to settle down or do things they are not ready to do, for all of the wrong reasons, so getting them back is not that simple. Agony aunt consultations and sittings will be able to tell you whether or not you are compatible with this guy, not just if he will come back,  also how to make sure it does not go wrong again.  Forget this convenient idea that the relationship was fated to go wrong and he was fated to leave, that is not accepting responsibility for the continual arguments or demands or nagging or moaning that drove him away and which were your choice!  Decent agony au7nts can be very helpful if you are realistic but if you want it all mapped out forget it. Use the Rosemary Price  in the same way you would use a map when driving. Or a sat nav. Look to where there may be hold ups and then avoid them.  


Some clients like to believe that every single thing that happens to them or which they choose is down to fate. This is unrealistic,   irresponsible, lazy and immature.  Fate will arrange for you to meet someone, but you decide where it goes from there.  If you get a great job and you keep turning up late and having very long lunches you will get sacked. That has nothing to do with fate that if your cannot change things like a person's personality or whether you meet them this year or next year, but it can tell you whether or not you should allow them into your life and why.  Your choice of how you behave and you get the consequences.  If you meet a nice guy and you start nagging him and he ends it he is ending it because you were selfish not because it was fated. Sometimes agony aunt clients go to the best agony aunts and say they have been cursed, that they are worried that their life is all going wrong because of it,  but the truth is they love to pass the buck and blame a non existent curse rather than accepting that their behaviour. Good agony aunts can do a sitting or consultation and    can warn you not to behave in a certain way but it cannot control you and stop you from doing it. You may need to consider therapy or healing before you get into a serious relationship. 


























Rosemary Price is the best person to enlighten you and solve your problems with predictions, insight, answers, solutions, solving relationships problems and helping you make the best decision for you is what she specialises in. Want to me sure you are with the right person? Want to know if you will meet your soul mate soon? . A fifth generation seer Rosemary Price is offering forty years of experience,  Rosemary Price who is here to help everyone whether they want to know about past, present, future or a person, anything that will improve their emotional well being and happiness.  

Rosemary Price has been helping agony aunt clients for more than forty years, both in the UK where she lives and Worldwide throughout every other continent, country and city in the World. Some consult her by telephone, many prefer to write to her online for same day psychic email reading uk .  She has been tried, tested and is now respected and trusted by a lot of experts, professionals, newspapers and magazines, appeared on television and radio and many newspapers and magazines. She is often offered the same as the other accurate agony aunts which she turns down, as it would mean not being available to help YOU when you need her.  Many of  clients consult her about relationships, ,love, romance, dating, family etc. A free  clairvoyant who  specialises in emotional matters and giving accurate and helpful guidance when needed.  Some need closure over a relationship which has ended, others are starting a new one or hope to be. is an expert on relationships, a well respected relationship expert and therapist as well as a therapist or tarot reader.  


One of the most amazing things about having a written consultation  is that you are totally in control the whole way through. You decide what you want to know about, you decide any exact and precise questions. You decide whether or not you want to hear about facts, emotions, people or whatever. You can decide you want an emotional agony aunts consultation or a factual one, perhaps about changing your career or health.  You can also leave it to the reader to decide what they pick up and do it on a pot luck basis, which with some methods is how it works anyway all of the time.  Good  consultations depend on a reader being able to understand their clients and tune into them. Hence a  consultation will pick it up and so will a written one.  The tuning in comes from the client to the reader  and it does not matter how the contact is made.  Rosemary Price can just hear a person's voice for a few minutes and tune in,  or she can read a few words from them for the same result. 

Readings can be shocking, frightening, scary, enlightening,  problem solving, entertaining, witty and thought provoking, which is why anyone who has one for the first time with a new reader is being brave. It takes real guts to trust a new reader to do one for you.  But if you consult someone who is reputable, established, proven, qualified -  tried, tested and trusted, such as Rosemary Price, there is no risk. You can remove any fears you may have had about consulting an unsuitable or fake person. You see clients are very often scared of what they will find out,  scared that they will hear that their new love interest is not all they seem. Scared that they will hear that their new husband or wife will leave them or hurt them.  Scared that they will not be as happy in the future as they want to be.  Lots of people make the mistake of thinking that if a free agony aunt  tells them wonderful glorious things then they are good, simply because the fantasies they tell them about are exciting and would bring them happiness, but they fail to see that those things can or will never happen so it is simply sharing a story.   In which case the whole point of the agony aunts was pointless because it did not take their lives seriously or actually help them with anything, it was simply spinning them a yarn which led to big disappointments later. 



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You see spinning you a yarn might sound wonderful but it can be very harmful and I will give you an example of someone it harmed. A lady of about seventy five had a crush on a happily married man who had no interest in an affair or sex with other women. He simply wanted his marriage to remain happy and last.    She wanted him because she hated to be single and he had money and she thought she could get him to leave his wife and then take care of her. She tried everything and nothing worked.  She had been the same way with other men in the past.   It was not the man she wanted, it was the idea of no longer being single and having a man pay her bills for her.  In desperation she came to Rosemary Price for  she asked her when he would leave his wife and be with her.


 Rosemary, being a reputable, caring, honest person told her the truth and said never. She was furious. This was not at all what she wanted to hear.  She then went to another agony aunts reader, one who did not care about or was not able to see the truth. This one used   and told her that she would be with this man properly very soon. He would divorce his wife and marry her and they would live in a fantastic big cottage surrounded by roses and flowers.   At this the (silly) woman was walking on air and told everyone what a fantastic person this  reader was.  Yet two years later nothing had changed,  this man was still with his wife with no interest in leaving her.  And  - this lady had spent and wasted two precious years of her life waiting for nothing. She could have and should have moved on and settled down with a single man.  Rosemary Price the agony aunt had used many different methods to see all this and told her this but she would not listen, so she ended up all alone in her old age. They can get someone to wait and wait for something that will never happen, or is not right for them.  This lady lacked any sense  No man was going to leave a wife he loved a lot and had been with for many years for a woman he barely knew and had hardly spoken to. 



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One of the reasons that so many people get upset about their relationships and turn to a free advisor is because they forget that they can make decisions and have some control. So instead of deciding what to do about someone or something they get it into their head that their partner will decide it all and the will have to suffer the consequences. Questions such as "will he ever want to leave me" indicate that they never consider leaving the man, they give all of the power as to whether the relationship lasts or not to him. It also comes across as having no confidence, no backbone, no self esteem, which results in the man losing interest. Many men would much rather have an outspoken, firm woman than one who is forever agreeing with them and being subservient to them with no personality.  Rosemary Price   ought to pick up that a couple are or are not suited, and then it is up to each of those two people to decide whether or not to continue. 


The free advisor  for  can tell them whether their strengths and weaknesses suit each other and whether or not their goals are compatible and much more,  but if one or both of them are pig headed or scared or change or not wanting to admit that they made a mistake or hating the idea of being all alone they may ignore all of this insight and stay together and end up miserable years later. So questions such as "will I leave him? " are ridiculous because only she can decide that on a day by day basis.  But a Rosemary Price one of the best agony aunts can tell her that the other person will behave in a way that would make her miserable and then if she has any sense she will end it before that time comes. Good psychic practitioners are about finding peace of mind but not at the cost of the truth. It is pointless to seek out a real agony aunt advisor  who tells you wonderful things and does not care if they are true.   In fact it is better to hear bad things from your psychic but also how to avoid those bad things. Hence if you are told that you will meet two men soon, one who is suitable and one who is not,  with details of why this is, it is still up to you to act upon this advice and reject the bad one and go for the good one.  


One of the reasons that people have consultations with readers is because they are scared of the future.  They seek some reassurance that all will turn out as they want it to. So they ask Rosemary Price questions such as will my husband still be with me in twenty years.  But a more sensible question for written  consultations  would be should she stay with him for twenty years.   Because that way she realises that he has to make her happy too, not just that it is her job to make him happy.  Once you start to think about your relationship as if it is all down to you to do the work and put up with criticisms, or compromise or effort, then you will never be happy.  It is too much for you and makes your partner take you for granted, their life becomes far too easy and they just get all of the good bits. are based on you doing some of the work too, it is more realistic. Once you get into that Rosemary Price the best of the agony aunts they often lose interest anyway, because they can tell that you do not have a good opinion of yourself, you lack confidence, you lack self assurance, and as such you become boring.  People who come across as people pleasers, always putting their own feelings and needs to one side just get used and taken for granted until they bore the other person so much they cheat on them or walk away. A free reader will bear in mind that the person maybe has to change themselves before they can have the results they want.


A cheap clairvoyant will be working on the principle that they are seeing what is there but giving guidance too.  Psychic email readings online  are not just about telling you how things will be, it is also about being warned about the bad bits that can he avoided or changed and the good bits that need your input and help. So having a written consultation is not just about finding out and then dreading the inevitable or looking forward to the wonderful. 

What sort of people have a  written online past life reading online or cheap consultation ?  They range from the poor to the wealthy,  the unknown nobodies to the famous and Worldwide celebrities. Those with no responsibility whatsoever to those with a lot of it.  Those with no real life to those who are busy with a varied and exciting life. 

Those with no life at all often have a psychic  consultation in the hope that they will be told that their lives will become far more exciting soon.  Unfortunately this is not the right way to use Rosemary Price  consultations.  If a person has a dull life due to their own lack of initiative, courage, ability to make decisions, shyness,  then the odds are that it will continue to be dull.    cannot see that their life will suddenly change unless it also sees that they will change their attitude and behaviour towards their life.  For example, if they hate  being unemployed and wish they had a  job and simply wait for their  reader to tell them this will all be the way they want soon,  they are missing out that they need to act upon their wishes too.  They will not become skilled and qualified in something if they do not learn or study something and pass exams in it.  They will not be offered a great job if they do not do the necessary to be noticed and chosen for it. Some have and expect to hear that all of their problems or miseries will just disappear.  But if they do not act upon those things that cannot happen. Examples -  One lady wrote to Rosemary Price psychic  asking when she would become suddenly wealthy. She presumed that God and the Universe had decided that they would give her a whole heap of money so that she never has to work or do the unpleasant or time consuming things that others have to do.  Why did she assume that she was going to be so lucky and fortunate? It might have made more sense if she had asked if she would ever be that lucky, but instead of that she asked what the date would be as if all of the rest of it was guaranteed. 


You cannot use accurate psychics as a way to avoid doing the things that are needed towards your own future.  Just as you cannot pretend that all of the bad things that happen to you are due to fate and other people.  If you get into a relationship and then you find that the person is losing interest in you, or ends it, or cheats on you, you have to accept that maybe you chose the wrong person, or maybe you treated them badly or not in the way they wanted. An honest best clairvoyant would be able to tell you if you have chosen the right person before you get involved with them. But it then relies on you following on with that Rosemary Price psychic advice. If you ignore it and continue to get involved with this unsuitable person then it is your fault that you end up regretting it later.  It may be that they are wonderful in many ways but have baggage or problems which get carried into your life if you see them - drugs, drink, gambling, debts, sex, laziness or whatever.   However, what a lot of women do is to get together with a guy who they know has bad problems and baggage and then go moaning to their friends or asking their psychic york reader through psychic email reading uk  to change him somehow.  As if he is the only man in the World and if she cannot have him then no other man is available. 


One of the reasons that people have consultations with readers is because they are scared of the future.  They seek some reassurance that all will turn out as they want it to. So they ask Rosemary Price questions such as will my husband still be with me in twenty years.  But a more sensible question for a written agony aunts consultation   would be should she stay with him for twenty years.   Because that way she realises that he has to make her happy too, not just that it is her job to make him happy.  Once you start to think about your relationship as if it is all down to you to do the work and put up with criticisms, or compromise or effort, then you will never be happy.  It is too much for you and makes your partner take you for granted, their life becomes far too easy and they just get all of the good bits.  A good real clairvoyant  are based on you doing some of the work too, it is more realistic. Once you get into that Rosemary Price psychic and agony aunt they often lose interest anyway, because they can tell that you do not have a good opinion of yourself, you lack confidence, you lack self assurance, and as such you become boring.  People who come across as people pleasers, always putting their own feelings and needs to one side just get used and taken for granted until they bore the other person so much they cheat on them or walk away. A good psychic york  will bear in mind that the person maybe has to change themselves before they can have the results they want.  They may have to end a relationship because it may never lead to happiness. 


A good reader will do the best psychic email reading uk working on the principle that they are seeing what is there but giving guidance too.  Written free clairvoyant consultations  are not just about telling you how things will be, it is also about being warned about the bad bits that can he avoided or changed and the good bits that need your input and help. So having Rosemary Price psychic consultations with a free clairvoyant  is not just about finding out and then dreading the inevitable or looking forward to the wonderful. 

The people who have the happiest and fullest lives are those who think and analyse what is going on with them.  Some of the worst people who are usually creating their own unhappiness are the type who do not think about things.  You often get people consulting a reader and saying that their partner suddenly ended the relationship and walked out but they have no idea why and there were no signs that they were unhappy.  There were signs, there must have been, some of them huge and enormous !  But they did not see them, which is quite different. A reading might have helped them to see the signs in advance so that they could turn things around before it was too late. The snag is that once that relationship ends they lick their wounds and go on looking for someone, with no idea of what sort of person is right for them, or whether they are compatible, they simply want to fill a gap in their life, fill a vacancy, and then the next Rosemary Price psychic agony aunt or free clairvoyant sitting  they have will tell them that someone new is coming along and they get all excited and pleased and think great, I am no longer single.  But within days, weeks or months of that getting off the ground the same happens again.  This then creates a cycle and pattern because each time it happens again they get fixated on the idea that this is all down to bad luck and fate (it is more pleasant to believe that than to take ownership and see it is your own fault).  A good Rosemary Price psychic and agony aunt reading would have warned them about all this but it may be that they need to change so much they find that too difficult or are too lazy to so they prefer to keep losing out. They may need therapy.  They then tell themselves that every time they meet a new person it will happen again and this sort of creates it happening again, because they make less effort than before.  They fall to see that they were already making too little effort so making even less is hardly wise. Consultations are not about how to cut corners and get all of the goodies. 

When is it a bad idea to have telephone and written consultations with Rosemary Price psychic  or another reader?   It is always a bad idea if you cannot afford to pay for their psychic email readings online consultations.


Sometimes people contact readers with questions such as here is $200 and my question is when will these debt collectors leave me alone?  These people fail to see that it is their own fault that debt collectors are pestering them.  Their bad spending habits,  their way of being immature and irresponsible and not thinking things through have led to this situation. Nothing else, not bad luck or fate, as they would like to believe. Until they stop spending wrecklessly they will continue to have this problem and the more they continue the worse it will get. A  reading cannot tell you when you will get rid of a problem which you caused yourself because when you cause it yourself you have to suffer from it and solve it yourself.  There is nothing cast in stone about when this will disappear because there is nothing in stone about when you will mend your ways. Rosemary Price psychic  can warn you and in a case like this it would make more sense for the client to ask the free agony aunt and clairvoyant reader if they should spend on something before they buy it. Not buy it and assume there will be no problem later. Another example of something similar would be if you are going to borrow or lend money.  IF you borrow it from someone who is unreliable you will regret it, so get the best clairvoyant to tell you how it will turn out before you do it,  rushing them later when it becomes a problem is too late. Written consultations by a psychic york can help with so many things but only if you are willing to take the right action to ensure that things turn out for the best.

This might mean you being nicer to a partner, you being more picky about a partner,  you being more eager to change things if necessary.


Those with no life at all often have a clairvoyant online agony aunt consultation in the hope that they will be told that their lives will become far more exciting soon.  Unfortunately this is not the right way to use consultations.  If a person has a dull life due to their own lack of initiative, courage, ability to make decisions, shyness,  then the odds are that it will continue to be dull.    cannot see that their life will suddenly change unless it also sees that they will change their attitude and behaviour towards their life.  For example, if they hate  being unemployed and wish they had a job and simply wait for their free clairvoyant and agony aunts reader to tell them this will all be the way they want soon,  they are missing out that they need to act upon their wishes too.  They will not become skilled and qualified in something if they do not learn or study something and pass exams in it.  They will not be offered a great job if they do not do the necessary to be noticed and chosen for it. A  reading and expect to hear that all of their problems or miseries will just disappear.  But if they do not act upon those things that cannot happen. Examples -   One lady wrote to Rosemary Price psychic a free clairvoyant,  asking when she would become suddenly wealthy. She presumed that God and the Universe had decided that they would give her a whole heap of money so that she never has to work or do the unpleasant or time consuming things that others have to do.  Why did she assume that she was going to be so lucky and fortunate? It might have made more sense if she had asked if she would ever be that lucky, but instead of that she asked what the date would be as if all of the rest of it was guaranteed.


Has Rosemary Price done any written consultation  which have blown her mind, some which are quite different and more memorable than most of the others?  After all, if she has been doing clairvoyant online consultations for more than forty years she has done hundreds if not thousands of them and most will be forgotten years later? Yes she has.  Some were done on the telephone but the principle is the same. Here is an idea of some of them.

A lady came to see her for a face to face free clairvoyant and agony aunt advice consultation. She was very unhappily married and made no bones about how much she loathed her husband. Throughout the session she went on about how awful he was, how boring he was, how stupid he was etc. The whole agony aunts and clairvoyance session was recorded onto a cassette player (this was many years ago) and she took it home. A few days later she phones up Rosemary Price psychic office to complain. She had gone home and put the cassette on the dining room table where the husband could easily see it and listen to it.  According to her it was all Rosemary's fault that she had not realised that she should make sure that her husband cannot listen to it.  He had, of course, started a big argument with her and was furious when he had heard it!


A psychic ipswich  by a free clairvoyant  for another lady pointed out to her that she should forget about looking for a man who is aged about twenty five, very wealthy, flashy expensive red sports car, terrific well paid job,  very handsome etc. Why? Perhaps the most telling thing was that the client was a lady who was fat, nothing to look at, aged about eighty, unemployable, no personality etc. A written agony aunt advice session was done for a lady who was forever losing her friends. This lady would be forever finding a new prospective friend but then messing them around.  Over and over again she would arrange to see them and then just not turn up, without bothering to let them know.  They would get fed up with it and not want to speak to her again.    This client wanted Rosemary Price psychic  and  sessions to tell her when she would meet friends who did not get angry about her messing them around. She saw the whole thing as having bad luck that these women she met did not tolerate her behaviour and she had to find people who would. 


A psychic email reading uk for a guy who wanted to be rich and famous.  He was desperate to hear he would be rich and famous soon - he was elderly and retired.  It was never going to happen.  But in desperate to prove that Rosemary Price agony aunt and clairvoyant psychic was wrong and he was right he said that a  free clairvoyant online had predicted it would happen when he had consulted her sixty years ago.  He could not see and would not accept that the one who gave her the fantastic (but inaccurate and dishonest) consultation was wrong, he was so desperate to keep believing this.  Yet for all those years he had done nothing that could contribute to him becoming  wealthy or famous.  Even if he had changed his attitude he was now too old to. 



Accurate Psychic Readingsf



The people who have the happiest and fullest lives are those who think and analyse what is going on with them.  Some of the worst people who are usually creating their own unhappiness are the type who do not think about things.  You often get people consulting the best perfson for guidance and advice and saying that their partner suddenly ended the relationship and walked out but they have no idea why and there were no signs that they were unhappy.  There were signs, there must have been, some of them huge and enormous !  But they did not see them, which is quite different. A good agony aunts consultant might have helped them to see the signs in advance so that they could turn things around before it was too late. The snag is that once that relationship ends they lick their wounds and go on looking for someone, with no idea of what sort of person is right for them, or whether they are compatible, they simply want to fill a gap in their life, fill a vacancy, and then the next they have will tell them that someone new is coming along and they get all excited and pleased and think great, I am no longer single.  But within days, weeks or months of that getting off the ground the same happens again.  This then creates a cycle and pattern because each time it happens again they get fixated on the idea that this is all down to bad luck and fate (it is more pleasant to believe that than to take ownership and see it is your own fault).  A  cheap online agony aunt consultation  would have warned them about all this but it may be that they need to change so much they find that too difficult or are too lazy to so they prefer to keep losing out. They may need therapy.  They then tell themselves that every time they meet a new person it will happen again and this sort of creates it happening again, because they make less effort than before.  They fall to see that they were already making too little effort so making even less is hardly wise. Written consultations  are not about how to cut corners and get all of the goodies. It is not about just waiting for joy to bounce along. It is about working as a team with your fated path and your luck to improve things. 


What type of person is most likely to seek out Rosemary Price psychic   Those who have a very busy life and are proactive about making it work for them are least likely to. They are usually too busy studying and training to pass exams that will help them to get a promotion, or setting up and running a business, or working over time so that they can earn the money they need for their luxurious holiday they long for.  Accurate   are often sought out by those who want to use the agony aunts reader as a way to avoid these inbetween bits. So it is common that a new client will ask when they will get a promotion without any intention of making sure they are worthy of promotion,  or they want to hear when a fantastic new business will somehow fall into their lap, and presume they have the necessary skills and personality to run it and make it a success. People consult Rosemary Price psychic agony aunt for advice are  more likely to be sought out by someone who wants their partner to change and be special and perfect when they themselves have a lot of faults and have no interest in changing.  Or someone who wants a selfish lifestyle -i.e.  they want their wife to get rid of his mistress and stay with them,  even though they refuse him sex and are cold towards him. All because they want his money.  The husband would be starved of affection and miserable and has no motivation to agree.   Written Rosemary Price psychic and agony aunt  guidance consultations are often sought out by those who want to know when their ex will return but who never want to ask themselves why their ex left in the first place,  and how they could prevent their ex from wanting to do that again!  Until they realise they contributed to the split and may be wanting the wrong person they will never be happy. A written psychic ipswich consultation  is often sought out by a man who is looking for a much younger woman, for sex, and cannot understand why the women he meets who are half his age or younger and fantastically gorgeous do not want to play ball.  


What sort of people have a written consultation?  They range from the poor to the wealthy,  the unknown nobodies to the famous and Worldwide celebrities. Those with no responsibility whatsoever to those with a lot of it.  Those with no real life to those who are busy with a varied and exciting life. Those with no life at all often have a consultation in the hope that they will be told that their lives will become far more exciting soon.  Unfortunately this is not the right way to use Rosemary Price psychic If a person has a dull life due to their own lack of initiative, courage, ability to make decisions, shyness,  then the odds are that it will continue to be dull.   Agony aunts cannot see that their life will suddenly change unless it also sees that they will change their attitude and behaviour towards their life.  For example, if they hate  being unemployed and wish they had a job and simply wait for their agony aunts reader to tell them this will all be the way they want soon,  they are missing out that they need to act upon their wishes too.  They will not become skilled and qualified in  something if they do not learn or study something and pass exams in it.  They will not be offered a great job if they do not do the necessary to be noticed and chosen for it. Some have Rosemary Price psychic and agony aunt and expect to hear that all of their problems or miseries will just disappear.  But if they do not act upon those things that cannot happen. Examples -   One lady wrote to Rosemary Price asking when she would become suddenly wealthy. She presumed that God and the Universe had decided that they would give her a whole heap of money so that she never has to work or do the unpleasant or time consuming things that others have to do.  Why did she assume that she was going to be so lucky and fortunate? It might have made more sense if she had asked if she would ever be that lucky, but instead of that she asked what the date would be as if all of the rest of it was guaranteed. 

free agony aunt advice

You cannot use the reading as a way to avoid doing the things that are needed towards your own future.  Just as you cannot pretend that all of the bad things that happen to you are due to fate and other people.  If you get into a relationship and then you find that the person is losing interest in you, or ends it, or cheats on you, you have to accept that maybe you chose the wrong person, or maybe you treated them badly or not in the way they wanted. Accurate Rosemary Price psychic agony aunt would be able to tell you if you have chosen the right person before you get involved with them. But it then relies on you following on with that advice. If you ignore it and continue to get involved with this unsuitable person then it is your fault that you end up regretting it later.  It may be that they are wonderful in many ways but have baggage or problems which get carried into your life if you see them - drugs, drink, gambling, debts, sex, laziness or whatever.   However, what a lot of women do is to get together with a guy who they know has bad problems and baggage and then go moaning to their friends or asking their psychic  and  reader to change him somehow.  As if he is the only man in the World and if she cannot have him then no other man is available. 

free agony aunt advice

One of the reasons that people have the best agony aunts to consult.  They seek some reassurance that all will turn out as they want it to. So they ask Rosemary Price psychic agony aunt questions such as will my husband still be with me in twenty years.  But a more sensible question for    would be should she stay with him for twenty years.   Because that way she realises that he has to make her happy too, not just that it is her job to make him happy.  Once you start to think about your relationship as if it is all down to you to do the work and put up with criticisms, or compromise or effort, through  then you will never be happy.  It is too much for you and makes your partner take you for granted, their life becomes far too easy and they just get all of the good bits.  Helpful Rosemary Price psychic and agony aunts consultations are based on you doing some of the work too, it is more realistic. Once you get into that scenario they often lose interest anyway, because they can tell that you do not have a good opinion of yourself, you lack confidence, you lack self assurance, and as such you become boring.  People who come across as people pleasers, always putting their own feelings and needs to one side just get used and taken for granted until they bore the other person so much they cheat on them or walk away. A good psychic will bear in mind that the person maybe has to change themselves before they can have the results they want.  They may have to end a relationship because it may never lead to happiness. 

free agony aunt advice

A good reader will be working on the principle that they are seeing what is there but giving guidance too.  Rosemary Price psychic are not just about telling you how things will be, it is also about being warned about the bad bits that can he avoided or changed and the good bits that need your input and help.

Has Rosemary Price psychic agony aunt done any which have blown her mind, some which are quite different and more memorable than most of the others?  After all, if she has been doing the best agony aunts guidance for more than forty years she has done hundreds if not thousands of them and most will be forgotten years later? Yes she has.  Some were done on the telephone but the principle is the same. Here is an idea of some of them.....

A lady came to see her for a face to face sitting. She was very unhappily married and made no bones about how much she loathed her husband. Throughout the agony aunts session she went on about how awful he was, how boring he was, how stupid he was etc. The whole session was recorded onto a cassette player (this was many years ago) and she took it home. A few days later she phones up Rosemary Price 's office to complain. She had gone home and put the cassette on the dining room table where the husband could easily see it and listen to it.  According to her it was all Rosemary Price psychic the best of the agony aunts'  fault through that she had not realised that she should make sure that her husband cannot listen to it. 

free agony aunt advice

An email consultation which was done for another lady pointed out to her that she should forget about looking for a man who is aged about twenty five, very wealthy, flashy expensive red sports car, terrific well paid job,  very handsome etc. Perhaps the most telling thing was that the client was a lady who was fat, nothing to look at, aged about eighty, unemployable, no personality etc.

An email done for a lady who was forever losing her friends. This lady would be forever finding a new prospective friend but then messing them around.  Over and over again she would arrange to see them and then just not turn up, without bothering to let them know.  They would get fed up with it and not want to speak to her again.    This client wanted free agony aunt consultations to tell her when she would meet friends who did not get angry about her messing them around. 

An email sitting for a guy who wanted to be rich and famous.  He was desperate to hear he would be rich and famous soon - he was elderly and retired.  It was never going to happen.  But in desperate to prove that Rosemary Price psychic agony aunt was wrong and he was right he said that one of the clairvoyant agony aunts  had predicted it would happen when he had consulted her sixty years ago.  He could not see and would not accept that the one who gave her the fantastic (but inaccurate and dishonest) consultation was wrong, he was so desperate to keep believing this.